
There are three costs involved in using a skip to dispose of your rubbish: the hire of the skip, the hire of the skip lorry to deliver & collect the skip and the disposal charge.

The skip contents are all recycled or disposed of at registered sites.

Skip Hire

Our standard skip is 6 m³ but larger sizes, open top, enclosed skips and specialist skips are available.

Open Top Skip Hire (minimum charge)per week
Open Top Skip Hireper month
Enclosed Skip Hire (minimum charge(per week
Enclosed Skip Hireper month

Skip Delivery & Collection

Outside St Ola delivery and collection will continue to be charged according to the time taken.

Kirkwall & St Ola – Delivery Charge
Kirkwall & St Ola – Collection Charge
Skip Lorryper hour

Skip Disposal

Chingliebraes Waste Transfer Station – mainly combustible wastes that cannot be landfilled, eg. Soiled paper & cardboard, fertiliser bags, carpets, furniture, plastics (not silage wrap) and wood.

Bossack Landfill Site – Non-hazardous landfill material only. Broken glass, concrete blocks, bricks and mortar, tiles and slates, plasterboard, plaster, timber and plastics should not be included.

Orkney Aggregates, Hatston – Scrap Metal Only


Inert Waste – Bossack Landfill Sitetonne
Non-inert Waste – Chingliebraes Waste Transfer Stationtonne
Cement Bonded Asbestos, not to be mixed with other goodstonne
Handling Charge, minimum charge see below:

Scrap Metal – we pay you – please contact us.